hand embroidery kits beginners

What Are Hand Embroidery Starter Kits and Who Are They For?

Have you ever admired a beautiful embroidery project and thought you’d like to learn how to stitch yourself? Hand embroidery may seem daunting for a beginner, but starting with an embroidery starter kit takes the guesswork out of getting into this enjoyable craft. Embroidery starter kits are designed to provide everything a new embroiderer needs to begin stitching lovely designs. If you’re new to hand embroidery and looking for an easy way to get started with embroidery patterns, these beginner embroidery kits are just for you!

What’s Included in a Beginner Embroidery Kit

What's Included in a Beginner Embroidery Kit

A beginner’s hand embroidery kit contains all the essential supplies and instructions for practicing embroidery stitches. Here’s an overview of what you can expect to find inside one:

Embroidery Hoop

An embroidery hoop holds the fabric you’ll be stitching on. Starter kits include plastic hoops measuring around 5 to 9 inches for working on smaller designs. The hoop keeps the pre-printed fabric from puckering as you learn embroidery stitches.


Embroidery needles have a more giant eye and sharper point than regular sewing needles. Kits will include needles sized for beginners, like #5 and #8 sharps. Needle size is based on the thickness of the floss being used.


Six-stranded embroidery floss like DMC comes in a rainbow of colors for stitching beautiful designs. Kits include popular floss colors like reds, blues, greens, yellows, and neutrals.


Aida or other tightly woven cotton fabric squares are included for stitching. Light, solid colors are most accessible for beginners learning basic embroidery stitches. The fabric is pre-cut to fit the hoop size.


Beginner’s kits include printed patterns with simple designs using basic stitches. Most also include instructions detailing how to do the stitches used.

Benefits of Starting with a Hand Embroidery Kit

Beginning a new hobby or craft can be complicated when you have to figure out what supplies to buy. Embroidery starter kits from brands like Dimensions and Janlynn eliminate the challenges for beginners. There are many advantages to learning how to embroider using a kit:

Takes the Guesswork Out of Getting Supplies

Having all the essential tools and materials selected and bundled for you makes starting hand embroidery stress-free.

Provides Instructions and Patterns

The included patterns and directions teach you stitches while you work on fun designs. You’ll gain embroidery skills while producing pretty finished pieces.

Allows You to Learn Stitches and Techniques

By practicing the basic stitches on the kit’s patterns, you’ll build skills you can apply to more advanced embroidery projects.

Tips for Getting Started with Your First Embroidery Kit

Be patient with yourself as you begin stitching with your starter kit. Here are some tips to make your initial embroidery experiences enjoyable:

Choose a Kit with Easy Designs

Look for kits that use basic stitches like backstitch, stem stitch, chain stitch, and satin stitch. Avoid kits with lots of color changes or advanced stitches.

Start with Large Scale Patterns

It’s easier to learn stitch techniques on large-scale designs with more open space to work.

Only Use a Few Floss Colors Initially

Restricting yourself to 2-3 colors as you get started reduces confusion and mistakes when learning stitches.

Don’t Worry About Perfection

Making evenly sized and straight stitches takes practice. Expect wonky stitches at first, and have fun learning!

Examples of Great Beginner Hand Embroidery Kits

Here are some top-rated embroidery starter kits from leading brands like Dimensions and Janlynn to consider:

Dimensions Learn-A-Craft Cathedral Window Kit

This kit teaches a sampler of stitches on a classic geometric pattern. It includes easy-to-follow photo instructions.

Janlynn Count Your Blessings Kit

Stitch uplifting words like hope, love, dream, imagine, believe, and joy with a variegated blue floss.

Loops & Threads Mini Embroidery Kit

Fun small hoop designs are perfect for beginners learning basic embroidery skills and stitches.


What supplies are needed for hand embroidery?

The basic supplies needed are fabric, an embroidery hoop, needles, floss, and a pattern. A beginner embroidery starter kit provides all these materials.

What fabrics work best for hand embroidery?

Evenweave Aid,a cloth, and other tightly woven cotton fabrics are good choices for beginners. Kits typically include fabric square pre-cut to the hoop size.

What are some beginner-friendly embroidery stitches?

Backstitch, running stitch, stem stitch, chain stitch, and satin stitch are all good starter stitches. Avoid advanced stitches like French knots.

How can I learn embroidery as a total beginner?

Using a starter kit with patterns and instructions allows you to learn while creating pretty designs. Take an in-person embroidery class at a craft store like Michael’s. Watch online video tutorials.

What can you make with hand embroidery?

Some ideas include pillows, wall art, clothing embellishments, and tote bags. Advanced embroiderers create stunning landscapes and portraits with thread painting.

Conclusion: Embroidery Kits Make Learning a Relaxing New Hobby Easy

Hand embroidery starter kits provide an accessible introduction for beginners to this enjoyable needlecraft. With supplies, instructions, and patterns provided, you can learn at your own pace. As you gain confidence in basic stitches, you can advance to more challenging designs and techniques. Embroidery kits like those from Janlynn eliminate the difficulty, so you can focus on unleashing your creativity through stitching beautiful designs. So grab a starter kit and needles – it’s time to get stitching!


Main image: freepik

Priti Nandy
Priti Nandy
Articles: 231

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